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  SWATH Script Library

Want to get started easily with user defined scripts and take advantage of the scripts on this web page or any you find in our forum? Then take a look at our Guide to user defined script .

SWATH Java script Compiled class file Author Last updated Comment
ExampleScript1.java ExampleScript1.class Stein 2000-12-01 Example script #1.
ExampleScript2.java ExampleScript2.class Stein 2000-12-01 Example script #2.
ExampleScript3.java ExampleScript3.class Stein 2000-12-01 Example script #3.
ExampleScript4.java ExampleScript4.class Stein 2000-12-01 Example script #4.
ExampleScript5.java ExampleScript5.class Stein 2001-07-03 Example script #5.
ExampleScript6.java ExampleScript6.class Stein 2001-12-19 Example script #6.
GrabSell.java GrabSell.class Stein 2000-12-04 Grabs products from a planet and Sells to a port.
ISGrabSell.java ISGrabSell.class Severian 2001-08-30 InterSector version of GrabSell.
MegaDump.java MegaDump.class Alvar 2001-03-31 Buys products and then Dumps, Jettison or Sells them.
ResourceMover.java ResourceMover.class DarkOne 2001-07-05 Moves resources from one planet to another.
ISResMover.java ISResMover.class Silent Rain 2001-03-31 InterSector Resources Mover.
PlanetBuster.java PlanetBuster.class DarkOne 2001-09-28 Bust planets at SD.
PhotonMove.java PhotonMove.class Macahan 2001-03-18 Photon sector and move in.
EprobeExplore.java EprobeExplore.class Macahan 2001-03-21 EtherProbe Explorer.
SectorMap.java SectorMap.class rem0te 2001-04-19 Map surrounding of sector.
LocateEnemies.java LocateEnemies.class StevoD 2001-04-01 Locate enemy forces.
TollFig.java TollFig.class Vito Corleone 2001-05-31 TollFig killer script.
USDT.java USDT.class Michaelis 2001-05-22 Upgrade Steal Dump Transport.
ProbeHunter2.java ProbeHunter2.class Mongoose 2001-07-28 Probe exploration script.
LimpetClear.java LimpetClear.class DarkOne 2001-07-06 This script will drain a sector of limpets.
MineDisrup.java MineDisrup.class DarkOne 2001-07-08 Disrupts all mines in a sector.
SmartMove.java SmartMove.class Rat Bastard 2001-08-05 Performs Holo and/or Density scans while moving.
Furber.java Furber.class Raybz 2001-09-17 Get furbs from StarDock.
PlanetDrop.java PlanetDrop.class Mongoose 2001-10-06 Drops a planet on anyone who touches your fighters.
MoveExplore1.java MoveExplore1.class Alvar 2001-04-18 Designed for Game Day 1 exploring.
SmartExplore.java SmartExplore.class CSG/Zandramus 2001-12-23 Performs Holo and/or Density scans while moving.
WorldTrade.java WorldTrade.class CSG/Zandramus 2001-12-23 Performs Holo and/or Density scans and trades while exploring.
FillBubble.java FillBubble.class - 2002-08-11 Fills a bubble with fighters.
PhotonWatch.java PhotonWatch.class CSG/Zandramus 2002-08-11 Fires a photon missile if the density changes in an adjacent sector.
N/A SectorHunter.class Vid Kid 2002-08-11 SectorHunter.txt
N/A SE_Reports Timbo 2002-08-27 Track any corp's figs and print a sorted report with statistics. Very useful to hunt down a particular corp or to see how many sectors you have fig'd
VitoTrade.java VitoTrade.class Vito Corleone 2003-02-12 VitoTrade.txt
MacroSSM.java MacroSSM.class Vito Corleone 2002-01-29 World SSM script
macro.java N/A Mongoose 2003-04-05 Reads a list of predefined macros from
the file macros.txt in the SWATH directory. You may also save
game-specific predefined macros in macros-(gamename).txt. (requires Java 1.4)
ztm.java ztm.class Mongoose 2003-04-05 Zero Turn Map script for SWATH. Provides the ability to map an arbitrary
range of sectors, so the task of mapping can be divided among teammates.
Duplicates the Fold and Var algorithms from SWATH's built-in mapper, and
adds Dist Map, which is of dubious value... (requires Java v1.4)
PairTrader.java PairTrader.class zamfir 2003-04-18 PairTrader.txt
SWATHScripts.zip All SWATH scripts in one large ZIP-file.

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