import com.swath.*; import com.swath.cmd.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; //VitoTrade 2/12/03 // this script will WorldTrade Vito style. // it has the new string macro functionality, give it a try // the agressive setting is for when you dont mind walking over enemy // toll figs, thereby revealing your location to them. // if unchecked, the script will keep you invisible... // I recommend you keep fedspace unchecked, the script has logic // to restore figs at sector 1, but that functionality is broken until // WaitForText starts returning the entire line... // post bugs on the swath discussion forum // and it goes without saying that ansi animation should be turned off.... // as well as all online messages that may interfere with script execution // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // important note, there is a crucial array called ugliness[] which keeps // track of any sectors that we prefer not to visit.. for example if we trade a // port down we really want to move on rather than come back to that sector. // the most important function of ugliness is to ensure we do not fall // into an endless loop where we warp back and forth between useless sectors... // the script detects your swath game database directory (usually My Documents) // and saves the ugly file there, as VitoTrade-ugly-.txt // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // new for this version... // #1 speedometer reports credits earned per hour // #2 holoscan is working // #3 unattended mode works a lot better // #4 added more delay fig options, "Vitos favorite" means it drops // one toll fig in every sector, except for 20 offensive figs in empty sectors, // thus giving the sector a density of 100 hehehehehehheheheheh // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Thanks to CSG who wrote the exploration WorldTrade script and // whose code I learned from and borrowed to make this nonsense. // Also thanks to Mongoose and his magnificent, // from which I learned how to read and write disk files... // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Parameters: // layfigs = lay toll fighters as we go? // unattended = running unattended (leave unchecked if you are speed trading) // verbose = lots of debugging information // speed = inline macros (bypasses the swath ai so must run attended) // fedspace = allow the ship to enter fedspace and go to sector 1? // keepalive = if the script is about to end because it cant find anywhere safe to move, // select this to keepalive by walking over enemy figs rather than ending script. // agressive = agressive mode (walks over enemy toll figs) // (if unchecked, this script will keep you invisible to enemy forces) public class VitoTrade extends UserDefinedScript { private Parameter m_verbose; private Parameter m_layfigs; private Parameter m_unattended; private Parameter m_holoscan; private Parameter m_speed; private Parameter m_fedspace; private Parameter m_agressive; int scred,sexp,salign; int lcred,lexp,lalign; long stime,ltime; final JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Credits per hour:"); final JLabel label2 = new JLabel("$"); public boolean runScript() throws Exception { //put the parameters into their working storage boolean verbose=m_verbose.getBoolean(); int layfigs=m_layfigs.getCurrentChoice(); boolean holoscan=m_holoscan.getBoolean(); boolean unattended=m_unattended.getBoolean(); boolean speed= m_speed.getBoolean(); boolean fedspace = m_fedspace.getBoolean(); scred =; sexp =; salign =; //stime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); stime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); PrintTrace.exec("Starting at "+Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); Sector s; boolean success; int g,h,i,loopcount,warphighscore,uglylowscore; int[] ugliness; String str,speedstr,movestring=""; int whereami = Swath.sector.sector(); int class0port = 1; int loopssinceclass0 = 0; //**************************STATUS WINDOW*************************** JPanel panel = Tools.createJPanel(); JFrame frame = Tools.createJFrame("VitoTrade Status", 1, 1); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); panel.add(label1); panel.add(label2); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setVisible(true); //********************************************************************* String filespec = "VitoTrade-ugly-"+Swath.main.gameName()+".txt"; filespec = Swath.main.gamePath()+"\\"+filespec; if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nFILESPEC = "+filespec+"\n"); } BufferedReader uglyin; BufferedWriter uglyout; ugliness = new int[Swath.main.sectors()+1]; // load ugly.txt if it exists into memory if ( new File(filespec).exists() ) { PrintText.exec("\n"+filespec+" found.\n"); uglyin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filespec)); i=0; while ((str = uglyin.readLine()) != null) { try { ugliness[i]=Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (Exception e) { ugliness[i]=0; PrintText.exec("ugly parse error: setting ugliness["+i+"]=0.\n"); } if (i>1) { if (ugliness[i] > 2) { ugliness[i] = 2; } } ++i; } uglyin.close(); } else { PrintText.exec("\n"+filespec+" not found, creating Ugliness..."); Arrays.fill(ugliness,0); //there is no sector 0 so in ugliness terms.. it is very ugly ugliness[0] = 999; //we only want to go to sector 1 if we are forced to ... ugliness[1] = 20; //set the URL if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCreating "+filespec+"\n"); } } //DisplayCurrentInfo.exec(); loopcount=0; while (( > 50) || ( == 0)) { status(); ++loopcount; speedstr = ""; //if we like to lay fighters if (layfigs > 0) { //wait for a command prompt while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } //and if theres no fighter in sector (or its a personal) if ((Swath.sector.fighters() < 1) || (( > 0) && !(Swath.sector.ftrOwner().isYourCorporation()))) { //and if this is not fedspace if (!(Swath.sector.spaceName().equals("The Federation."))) { //and if we have fighters onboard if (Swath.ship.fighters() > 0) { //then lay a toll fighter down if (speed) { switch (layfigs) { case 1: SendString.exec("F"+Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1)+"\rCTD"); break; case 2: if (Swath.getSector(whereami).portStatus() == Sector.PORT_AVAILABLE) { SendString.exec("F"+Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1)+"\rCTD"); } break; case 3: if (Math.IEEEremainder(loopcount,2) == 0) { SendString.exec("F"+Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1)+"\rCTD"); } break; case 4: if (Swath.getSector(whereami).density() == 0) { SendString.exec("F"+Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),20)+"\rCoD"); } else { SendString.exec("F"+Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1)+"\rCTD"); } break; } } else{ switch (layfigs) { case 1: DropTakeFighters.exec(Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1),Swath.CORPORATE,Swath.TOLL_FTRS); break; case 2: if (Swath.sector.portStatus() == Sector.PORT_AVAILABLE) { DropTakeFighters.exec(Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1),Swath.CORPORATE,Swath.TOLL_FTRS); } break; case 3: if (Math.IEEEremainder(loopcount,2) == 0) { DropTakeFighters.exec(Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1),Swath.CORPORATE,Swath.TOLL_FTRS); } break; case 4: if (Swath.sector.density() == 0) { DropTakeFighters.exec(Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),20),Swath.CORPORATE,Swath.OFFENSIVE_FTRS); } else { DropTakeFighters.exec(Math.max(Swath.sector.fighters(),1),Swath.CORPORATE,Swath.TOLL_FTRS); } break; } } while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } if (!(speed)) { DisplaySector.exec(); } } } } } g = Swath.sector.portClass(); int tre=0; int tro=0; int trf=0; int; int o=Swath.ship.organics(); int f=Swath.ship.fuel(); h=Swath.ship.holds(); if (unattended) { if ((Swath.getSector(whereami).portClass() != 0) && (Swath.getSector(whereami).portClass() != 9) && Swath.getSector(whereami).portStatus() == Sector.PORT_AVAILABLE) { if (speed) { long t1 = -2; if (Swath.getSector(whereami).lastPortUpdate() != null) { t1 = Swath.getSector(whereami).lastPortUpdate().getTime(); } SendString.exec("CR"+whereami+"\rQ"); WaitForText.exec("Computer deactivated"); long t2 = -3; while (t2 < t1) { if (Swath.getSector(whereami).lastPortUpdate() != null) { t2 = Swath.getSector(whereami).lastPortUpdate().getTime()-1; } Thread.sleep(25); } } else { EnterComputer.exec(); PortReport.exec(whereami); LeaveComputer.exec(); } } } int sec=whereami; int[] pamt=Swath.getSector(whereami).portAmounts(); if (pamt[0] == -1) { //take a chance (set Swath to kill toll figs and you wont have this problem) pamt[0]=9999; pamt[1]=9999; pamt[2]=9999; } if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nPort amounts:\npamt[fuel]="+pamt[0]+"\npamt[org]="+pamt[1]+"\npamt[equ]="+pamt[2]+"\n"); } //here is the logic that figures out how much to trade of each product //if we are in a sector with a port. g = Swath.getSector(whereami).portClass(); switch (g){ case 0: //this mess maxes out your ship (within available credits) anytime it //arrives at a class 0 port. if you dont like it you will have to //modify or delete this routine SendString.exec("PTY"); String[][] class0waittext = { {"A Cargo holds","wish to buy","Command"},{"B Fighters","wish to buy","Command"},{"C Shield","wish to buy","Command"} }; str = WaitForText.exec(class0waittext[0]); int maxbuyholds,maxbuyfigs,maxbuyshields; try { maxbuyholds = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(55).trim()); } catch (Exception excep) { maxbuyholds = 0; PrintText.exec("Unable to figure out maxbuyholds, skipping..."); } Thread.sleep(1000); if (maxbuyholds > 5) { maxbuyholds = maxbuyholds - 5; } SendString.exec("A"+maxbuyholds+"\rY"); str = WaitForText.exec(class0waittext[1]); try { maxbuyfigs = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(55).trim()); } catch (Exception excep) { maxbuyfigs = 0; PrintText.exec("Unable to figure out maxbuyfigs, skipping..."); } if (maxbuyfigs > 50) { maxbuyfigs = maxbuyfigs - 50; } Thread.sleep(1000); SendString.exec("B"+maxbuyfigs+"\r"); str = WaitForText.exec(class0waittext[2]); try { maxbuyshields = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(55).trim()); } catch (Exception excep) { maxbuyshields = 0; PrintText.exec("Unable to figure out maxbuyshields, skipping..."); } if (maxbuyshields > 50) { maxbuyshields = maxbuyshields - 50; } Thread.sleep(1000); SendString.exec("C"+maxbuyshields+"\rQ"); WaitForPrompt.exec(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT); DisplayCurrentInfo.exec(); break; case 1: //BBS if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 1\n"); } if (f-1 < pamt[0]) { trf = -f; } else { trf = -pamt[0]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (o-1 < pamt[1]) { tro = -o; } else { tro = -pamt[1]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + o + f + tro + trf) < pamt[2]) { tre = h - (e + o + f + tro + trf); } else { tre = pamt[2] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (tre == -1) { tre = 0; } break; case 2: //BSB if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 2\n"); } if (f-1 < pamt[0]) { trf = -f; } else { trf = -pamt[0]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (e-1 < pamt[2]) { tre = -e; } else { tre = -pamt[2]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + o + tre + f + trf) < pamt[1]) { tro = h - (e + o + tre + f + trf); } else { tro = pamt[1] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (tro == -1) { tro = 0; } break; case 3: //SBB if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 3\n"); } if (o-1 < pamt[1]) { tro = -o; } else { tro = -pamt[1]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (e-1 < pamt[2]) { tre = -e; } else { tre = -pamt[2]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + o + tre + f + tro) < pamt[0]) { trf = h - (e + o + tre + f + tro); } else { trf = pamt[0] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (trf == -1) { trf = 0; } break; case 4: //SSB if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 4\n"); } if (e-1 < pamt[2]) { tre = -e; } else { tre = -pamt[2]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + o + f + tre) < pamt[1]) { tro = h - (e + o + f + tre); } else { tro = pamt[1] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (f + o + e + tre +tro) < pamt[0]) { trf = h - (f + o + e + tre +tro); } else { trf = pamt[0] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (trf == -1) { trf = 0; } if (tro == -1) { tro = 0; } break; case 5: //SBS if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 5\n"); } if (o-1 < pamt[1]) { tro = -o; } else { tro = -pamt[1]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + o + f + tro) < pamt[2]) { tre = h - (e + o + tro + f); } else { tre = pamt[2] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (o + tre + e + f + tro) < pamt[0]) { trf = h - (o + tre + e + f + tro); } else { trf = pamt[0] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (trf == -1) { trf = 0; } if (tre == -1) { tre = 0; } break; case 6: //BSS if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 6\n"); } if (f-1 < pamt[0]) { trf = -f; } else { trf = -pamt[0]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + o + f + trf) < pamt[2]) { tre = h - (e + o + trf + f); } else { tre = pamt[2] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (o + tre + e + f + trf) < pamt[1]) { tro = h - (o + tre + e + f + trf); } else { tro = pamt[1] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (tro == -1) { tro = 0; } if (tre == -1) { tre = 0; } break; case 7: //SSS if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 7\n"); } if (h - e - f - o < pamt[2]) { tre = h - e - f - o; } else { tre = pamt[2] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - e - f - o - tre < pamt[1]) { tro = h - e - f - o - tre; } else { tro = pamt[1] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (h - (e + f + o + tre + tro) < pamt[0]) { trf = h - (e + f + o + tre + tro); } else { trf = pamt[0] - 1; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (trf == -1) { trf = 0; } if (tro == -1) { tro = 0; } if (tre == -1) { tre = 0; } break; case 8: //BBB if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nCase 8\n"); } if (f-1 < pamt[0]) { trf = -f; } else { trf = -pamt[0]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (o-1 < pamt[1]) { tro = -o; } else { tro = -pamt[1]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } if (e-1 < pamt[2]) { tre = -e; } else { tre = -pamt[2]; ugliness[sec]=ugliness[sec]+1; } break; } //save ugly information every 10 sectors if (Math.IEEEremainder(loopcount,10) == 0 ) { if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nSaving ugly.txt information..."); } uglyout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filespec)); for (i=0;i 0) { speedstr = speedstr+trf+"\r\r"; } if ((trf == 0) && (pamt[0] > 0) && (Swath.getSector(whereami).portInfo()[0] == Sector.SELLING)) { speedstr = speedstr+"0\r"; } if (tro > 0) { speedstr = speedstr+tro+"\r\r"; } if ((tro == 0) && (pamt[1] > 0) && (Swath.getSector(whereami).portInfo()[1] == Sector.SELLING)) { speedstr = speedstr+"0\r"; } if (tre > 0) { speedstr = speedstr+tre+"\r\r"; } if ((tre == 0) && (pamt[2] > 0) && (Swath.getSector(whereami).portInfo()[2] == Sector.SELLING)) { speedstr = speedstr+"0\r"; } //later SendString.exec(speedstr+"SDD"); } else { Trade.exec(trf,tro,tre); } } //if were string macroing lets display the string we just sent to the port if (speed) { if (verbose) { if (speedstr.length() >0) { String displayme=""; for (int zd=0;zd < speedstr.length();zd++) { if (speedstr.substring(zd,zd+1).equals("\r")) { displayme = displayme + ""; } else { displayme = displayme + speedstr.substring(zd,zd+1); } } PrintText.exec("\n\n\nWe traded with string -->"+displayme+"<---\n\n\n"); } else { PrintText.exec("\n\n\nno trade macro string was generated...\n\n\n"); } } } //figure out where to move. We start out moving to sector 1, and each "PASS" or criterion //kicks in anytime it sees we're still moving to 1, and it will try to find something better. //once a "pass" has found a better sector, the remaining passes will not kick in. //Thus the passes are prioritized (PASS A is the highest priority...PASS B next highest, etc) //you can really change the behavior of this script simply by cutting and pasting the passes around... //for instance if you want a script that always goes to unexplored ports, cut and paste PASS C //and place it above pass A. int adj[] = Swath.getSector(whereami).warpSectors(); int goodsect = 1; if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nInitializing: Setting goodsect=1\n"); } if (Math.IEEEremainder(loopcount,20) == 0) { SendString.exec("#"); } if (speed) { if (holoscan) { SendString.exec(speedstr+"SHSD/"); } else { SendString.exec(speedstr+"SD/"); } } else { if (holoscan) { SendString.exec("SHSD/"); } else { SendString.exec("SD/"); } } try{ WaitForText.exec("AtmDt",5000); } catch (Exception te) { PrintTrace.exec("Timeout, sending returns"); SendString.exec("\r\r\r\r\r\r/"); } //ScanSector.exec(ScanSector.DENSITY_SCAN); //PASS A: prefer xsb port if we have equipment and xbs port if we have organics for (i=0;i 0) { //if the sector has a xsb port if ((h==2)||(h==4)) { //if its not traded down if ((pamt[0] == -1) || (pamt[1] > Swath.ship.holds()) && (pamt[2] > Swath.ship.holds())) { //if it looks safe if (safe(s)) { //then its a good destination for us goodsect = adj[i]; if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nPass A: Changing goodsect="+adj[i]+"\n"); } } } } } else { //if we have organics in our holds if (Swath.ship.organics() > 0) { //if the sector has a xbs port if ((h==1) || (h == 5)) { //if its not traded down if ((pamt[0] == -1) || (pamt[1] > Swath.ship.holds()) && (pamt[2] > Swath.ship.holds())) { //if it looks safe if (safe(s)) { //then its a good destination for us goodsect = adj[i]; if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nPass A: Changing goodsect="+adj[i]+"\n"); } } } } } } } //PASS C:if goodsect is still 1, then pass B failed to come up with anything //So next we choose to go to any unexplored sector with a port in it (density 100) if (goodsect == 1) { for (i=0;i warphighscore) { warphighscore = s.warps(); goodsect = adj[i]; if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\nPass E: Changing goodsect="+adj[i]+"\n"); } } } } } } //if goodsect is still 1 then the criteria didnt find any good place to go from here. //we dont want to repeat that situation, so we increase our current sector's //ugliness by 1. if (goodsect == 1) { ugliness[Swath.main.currSector()] = ugliness[Swath.main.currSector()] + 1; } uglylowscore = 0; //PASS Z:Now lets just get the heck out of here, picking an adjacent sector with //the lowest ugliness score. Passes A-E teach the computer how to pick a good //sector, so if we get to this point alot we may need to add more logic (passes F,G etc) //to get the computer better at picking destinations if (goodsect == 1) { if (verbose) { PrintText.exec("\n<<>>\n"); } if (Swath.sector.spaceName().equals("The Federation.")) { uglylowscore = 999; } else { uglylowscore = 20; } for (i=0;i>>> \n\n\n\n"); } adj = Swath.sector.warpSectors(); for (i=0;i 3) { SetTextMode.exec(SetTextMode.COLOR_WHITE, SetTextMode.COLOR_RED, SetTextMode.MODE_NORMAL); PrintText.exec("\n <<<<<< WARNING: Ugliness of "+goodsect+" is "+ugliness[goodsect]+"!!!\n WATCH AND MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT STARTx LOOPING IN BAD SPACE >>>>>> \n"); } if (goodsect != class0port) { loopssinceclass0 = loopssinceclass0 + 1; if (speed) { SendString.exec(goodsect+"\r"); try{ WaitForText.exec(goodsect+"] (?=Help",5000); } catch (Exception te) { PrintTrace.exec("Timeout, sending returns"); SendString.exec("\r\r\r\r\r\r/"); WaitForText.exec("AtmDt"); } } else { Move.exec(goodsect); } } else { PrintText.exec("\nWaiting 1 seconds\n"); PrintText.exec("\nMoving to Class 0 port at "+class0port+"\n"); Thread.sleep(1000); Move.exec(goodsect); loopssinceclass0 = 0; } whereami=goodsect; } PrintText.exec("Turns less than 50. Done."); return true; } public void status() throws Exception { int ecred =; int eexp =; int ealign =; //long etime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); long etime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); int netcred = ecred - scred; int netexp = eexp - sexp; int netalign = ealign - salign; long nettime = (etime - stime)/1000 ; if (nettime < 1) { nettime = 1; } String netcph = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(3600 * (netcred/nettime)); //PrintTrace.exec("Overall credits : "+netcred); //PrintTrace.exec("Overall experience : "+netexp); //PrintTrace.exec("Overall alignment : "+netalign); //PrintTrace.exec("Overall time in sec : "+nettime); //PrintTrace.exec("Overall credits per hour: "+netcph); label2.setText(netcph); } //this little bit determines whether it should be considered safe to enter a sector //modify according to taste public boolean safe(Sector s) throws Exception { boolean fedspace = m_fedspace.getBoolean(); boolean agressive = m_agressive.getBoolean(); boolean retme = false; int dens = s.density(); if ((!(s.spaceName().equals("The Federation."))) || (fedspace)) { if (!(s.anomaly())) { if (((dens == 5 || dens == 105) && (agressive)) || dens == 0 || dens == 100 || dens == 1 || dens == 101 || (s.ftrOwner().isYourCorporation() && s.fighters() > 0) || (s.ftrOwner().isYou() && s.fighters() > 0) ) { if (s.busted() == null) { retme = true; } } } } //report interesting sectors to the swath console if (s.anomaly()) { PrintTrace.exec("**********************************"); PrintTrace.exec("Anomaly in sector "+(s.sector())+"."); PrintTrace.exec("(density of "+(s.sector())+" is "+(s.density())+".)"); PrintTrace.exec("**********************************"); } if (s.density() == 140 || s.density() == 40 || s.density() == 45 || s.density() == 145) { PrintTrace.exec("**********************************"); PrintTrace.exec("Possible trader in sector "+(s.sector())+"."); PrintTrace.exec("(density of "+(s.sector())+" is "+(s.density())+".)"); PrintTrace.exec("**********************************"); } return retme; } /*********************************************************************************************** **************************************End of Script Logic************************************** ***********************************************************************************************/ public String getName() { return "VitoTrade World"; } public String getDescription() { return ""+ "Vito Trade World 2/12/03

"+ "this script will WorldTrade Vito style.

"+ "see the .java file for a commentary...

"+ "when selecting delay fig settings, the choice "+ "Vito's favorite is a setting where 1 toll fig is dropped"+ " in every sector, except for completely empty sectors "+ " where it dropps 20 offensive figs, in order to give the sector"+ " a density of 100." + ""; } public boolean initScript() throws Exception { if (!atPrompt(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) { PrintText.exec("\n\n>>>Get to the main command prompt<<<\n\n"); return false; } m_layfigs = new Parameter("Delay Figs?"); m_layfigs.setType(Parameter.CHOICE); m_layfigs.addChoice(0, "Do not drop any fighters"); m_layfigs.addChoice(1, "1 toll fighter all sectors"); m_layfigs.addChoice(2, "1 toll fighter under ports only"); m_layfigs.addChoice(3, "1 toll fighter every other sector"); m_layfigs.addChoice(4, "Vitos favorite (see descrip.)"); m_layfigs.setCurrentChoice(4); registerParam(m_layfigs); m_holoscan = new Parameter("Holoscan?"); m_holoscan.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); m_holoscan.setBoolean(false); registerParam(m_holoscan); m_unattended = new Parameter("Unattended mode?"); m_unattended.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); m_unattended.setBoolean(false); registerParam(m_unattended); m_speed = new Parameter("Macro String for speed? (Turn haggling off!!)"); m_speed.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); m_speed.setBoolean(true); registerParam(m_speed); m_fedspace = new Parameter("Allow travel into Fedpsace?"); m_fedspace.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); m_fedspace.setBoolean(false); registerParam(m_fedspace); m_agressive = new Parameter("Agressive mode (walk over enemy tollfigs)?"); m_agressive.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); m_agressive.setBoolean(true); registerParam(m_agressive); m_verbose = new Parameter("Be verbose?"); m_verbose.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); m_verbose.setBoolean(false); registerParam(m_verbose); return true; } public void endScript(boolean finished) { } }