import com.swath.*; import com.swath.cmd.*; /** * Mega Dump v.1.0.0 k * * This script is a variation of the megajettison. * It is still designed primarily for experience-gathering * for evils. But it gives the option of once the holds are * full to jettison, sell to another port, or dump on a planet. * * @author Alvar 03/31/2001 */ public class MegaDump extends UserDefinedScript { // set up input variables private Parameter afuel; private Parameter aorg; private Parameter aequip; private Parameter adowhat; private Parameter asector2; private Parameter aplanet; private Parameter amovehow; private Parameter acycles; public String getName() { return "Mega Dump v.1.0.0"; } public boolean initScript() throws Exception { if (!atPrompt (Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) return false; afuel = new Parameter("Amount of fuel"); afuel.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); aorg = new Parameter("Amount of organics"); aorg.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); aequip = new Parameter("Amount of equipment"); aequip.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); adowhat = new Parameter("Do what with products?"); adowhat.setType(Parameter.CHOICE); adowhat.addChoice(0, "Jettison"); adowhat.addChoice(1, "Sell"); adowhat.addChoice(2, "Dump on a planet"); adowhat.setCurrentChoice(0); asector2 = new Parameter("Which sector to leave products (0 for same sector"); asector2.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); asector2.setInteger(Swath.ship.sector()); aplanet = new Parameter("What is the planet #? (0 for no planet"); aplanet.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); amovehow = new Parameter("How do you want to move?"); amovehow.setType(Parameter.CHOICE); amovehow.addChoice(0, "We ain't goin' anywhere!!"); amovehow.addChoice(1, "Just move there, & move back."); amovehow.addChoice(2, "Twarp there and back."); amovehow.addChoice(3, "Twarp there and planet transport back.(Dump on planet only)"); amovehow.setCurrentChoice(0); acycles = new Parameter("How many full holds you going to buy?"); acycles.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); registerParam(afuel); registerParam(aorg); registerParam(aequip); registerParam(adowhat); registerParam(asector2); registerParam(aplanet); registerParam(amovehow); registerParam(acycles); return true; } public boolean runScript() throws Exception { int fuel=0; int org=0; int equip=0; int eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); int abuy=0; int aportsector = Swath.ship.sector(); int atotalholds = Swath.ship.holds(); int afuel1=0; int afuel2=0; int afuelsave=0; int afuelsell=0; int i=0; int aorgsell=0; int aequipsell=0; while (i <= acycles.getInteger()) { JettisonCargo.exec(); //clears holds fuel=afuel.getInteger(); org=aorg.getInteger(); equip=aequip.getInteger(); abuy=fuel+org+equip; eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); while (abuy <= eholds) { Trade.exec(fuel, org, equip); eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); } i++; switch (adowhat.getCurrentChoice()) { case 0: break; case 1: switch (amovehow.getCurrentChoice()) { case 1: Move.exec(asector2.getInteger()); afuelsell = Swath.ship.fuel(); aorgsell = Swath.ship.organics(); aequipsell =; Trade.exec(-afuelsell, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); Move.exec(aportsector); eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); break; case 2: afuel1 = Swath.ship.fuel(); TransWarp.exec(asector2.getInteger()); afuel2 = Swath.ship.fuel(); afuelsell=2*afuel2-afuel1; aorgsell = Swath.ship.organics(); aequipsell =; Trade.exec(-afuelsell, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TransWarp.exec(aportsector); eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); break; } break; case 2: switch (amovehow.getCurrentChoice()) { case 0: afuelsell = Swath.ship.fuel(); aorgsell = Swath.ship.organics(); aequipsell =; Land.exec(aplanet.getInteger()); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(-afuelsell, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, 0, -aequipsell); LiftOff.exec(); eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); break; case 1: Move.exec(asector2.getInteger()); afuelsell = Swath.ship.fuel(); aorgsell = Swath.ship.organics(); aequipsell =; Land.exec(aplanet.getInteger()); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(-afuelsell, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, 0, -aequipsell); LiftOff.exec(); Move.exec(aportsector); eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); break; case 2: afuel1 = Swath.ship.fuel(); TransWarp.exec(asector2.getInteger()); afuel2 = Swath.ship.fuel(); afuelsell=2*afuel2-afuel1; aorgsell = Swath.ship.organics(); aequipsell =; Land.exec(aplanet.getInteger()); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(-afuelsell, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, 0, -aequipsell); LiftOff.exec(); TransWarp.exec(aportsector); eholds = Swath.ship.emptyHolds(); break; case 3: afuel1 = Swath.ship.fuel(); TransWarp.exec(asector2.getInteger()); afuel2 = Swath.ship.fuel(); afuelsell=2*afuel2-afuel1; afuelsell = Swath.ship.fuel(); aorgsell = Swath.ship.organics(); aequipsell =; Land.exec(aplanet.getInteger()); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(-afuelsell, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, -aorgsell, -aequipsell); TakeLeaveProducts.exec(0, 0, -aequipsell); EnterCitadel.exec(); PlanetTransport.exec(aportsector); break; } break; } } return true; } public void endScript(boolean finished) { } }