import com.swath.*; import com.swath.cmd.*; /** * Planet Buster * * @author Macahan */ public class PlanetBuster extends UserDefinedScript { private Parameter times; private Parameter planet; public String getName() { // Return the name of the script return "Planet Buster"; } public boolean initScript() throws Exception { // Initialisation of the script is done in this method. // All parameters should be created and registered here. // If something goes wrong, return false. // Check that we are at the correct prompt if (!atPrompt(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) return false; // Create the parameter 'times' and set the value to // the current sector. // The type will be set to INTEGER by setInteger(). times = new Parameter("How many times ?"); times.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); planet = new Parameter("Next free planet # or 1 for no planetscanner"); planet.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); // Register the 2 parameters registerParam(times); registerParam(planet); // Some other initialisation could be done here // ... return true; } public boolean runScript() throws Exception { int i=0; while(i < times.getInteger()){ if (Swath.ship.atomicDevices()==0){ PrintText.exec("Will have to buy more atomics in SD\n"); if ( Swath.main.currSector() == Swath.main.stardock() ){ PrintText.exec("Luckily we are at SD\n"); SendString.exec("ps"); if (!atPrompt(Swath.STARDOCK_PROMPT)) SendString.exec("ha5\rt5\rqq"); } } LaunchGenesisTorpedo.exec("...",Swath.PERSONAL); Land.exec(planet.getInteger()); BlowUpPlanet.exec(); i++; } return true; } public void endScript(boolean finished) { } }