Planets are major assets toward the end of any Trade
Wars game. They can make or break a player or an entire corporation,
and more often than not decide who wins and who loses. It is very difficult
to win a game without owning at least one planet, and some games are
played with planet destruction, capture, or ownership for a certain
number of days the deciding factor. Where you build or hide your planets,
and how far you advance them in levels, can decide how well you finish
in a game.
In this chapter you will find both general and specific
information on each standard planet type, citadel descriptions and advancement
tables, as well as a few tips and tricks to use planets effectively
and profitably. A BIG thank you to Traitor of fame for
pointing out some of my errors.
In this chapter you will also find the term FOE. This
doesn't refer to the enemy, but instead it refers to the trade products
produced on planets and sold to and bought from ports. These products
are of course Fuel Ore, Organics, and Equipment. The first letter of
each product becomes F/O/E, or simply, FOE.
- II.