Class | Description |
ActiveShipScan |
Perform an active ship scan.
AttackPort |
Attack the port in the current sector.
AttackShip |
Attack or capture an unmanned ship.
AttackTrader |
Attack a trader.
BlowUpPlanet |
Blow up the planet you are currently on.
BuyItems |
Buy items from StarDock or a class 0 port.
BuyShip |
Buy a new ship at the Shipyards on StarDock.
ChangeMilitaryLevel |
Change the planet military reaction level.
ChangePersonalSettings |
Change your personal settings.
ChangeQuasarCannonLevel |
Change a planet quasar cannon level.
ChangeShipSettings |
Change the ship settings.
CIMDownload |
Use the Computer Interrogation Mode (CIM) to download the latest
sector warps and/or port reports.
ClaimPlanet |
Claim ownership of the planet you are currently on.
ClearAvoidedSectors |
Clear avoided sectors.
Connect |
Connect to the TW game server.
DepositCredits |
Deposit credits in your bank account.
Disconnect |
Disconnect from the TW game server.
DisplayCurrentInfo |
Display your current trader and ship information.
DisplaySector |
Display the current sector.
DropTakeFighters |
Drop/Take fighters in the current sector.
DropTakeMines |
Drop/Take mines in the current sector.
EnterCitadel |
Enter the planet citadel.
EnterComputer |
Enter the ship computer.
EnterCorporateMenu |
Enter the corporate menu.
EnterTW |
Enter a TradeWars game.
FirePhotonMissile |
Fire a photon missile into a sector.
GetAvoidedSectors |
Get the current list of avoided sectors.
GetColonists |
Get colonists from Terra.
GetNavPoints |
Get the current user NavPoints.
JettisonCargo |
Jettison all the cargo.
Land |
Land on a planet in the current sector.
LandOnStarDock |
Land on the StarDock.
LaunchEtherProbe |
Launch an ether probe.
LaunchGenesisTorpedo |
Launch a genesis torpedo in the current sector.
LaunchMineDisruptor |
Launch a mine disruptor into a sector.
LeaveCitadel |
Leave the planet citadel.
LeaveComputer |
Leave the ship computer.
LeaveCorporateMenu |
Leave the corporate menu.
LeaveStarDock |
Leave the StarDock.
LiftOff |
Lift off from the planet.
MakeAnnouncement |
Make an announcement.
MessageBox |
Display a message box to the user.
Move |
Move to another sector.
MoveColonists |
Move colonists from one product to another on the current planet.
MoveToNavPoint |
Move to a given NavPoint.
PlanetaryTrade |
Negotiate a planetary trade agreement at the port in the current sector.
PlanetTransport |
Transport your ship to another sector using a planet transporter.
PlanetWarp |
Warp the current planet to another sector.
PlotCourse |
Plot the course between two sectors.
PortReport |
Get the current port report for a port.
PrintText |
Print text in the terminal window.
QuitTW |
Quit a TradeWars game.
ReEnterTW |
Exit and re-enter a TradeWars game.
RefreshInfo |
Refresh game information about traders, corps, ships, planets, fighters and mines.
ReleaseBeacon |
Release a marker beacon in the current sector.
RemainOvernight |
Remain in the citadel overnight.
Rob |
Rob the port in the current sector.
ScanCurrentShip |
Scans the current ship information.
ScanPlanets |
Scan the planets in the current sector using the planet scanner.
ScanSector |
Perform a long range scan in the current sector.
SellShip |
Sell a ship at the Shipyards on StarDock.
SendCorporateMemo |
Send a memo to your corporation members.
SendFedCommMessage |
Send a message on the Federation comm-link.
SendMacro |
Send a macro to the TW server.
SendPrivateMessage |
Send a private message to a trader.
SendSSRadioMessage |
Send a message on the current sub-space radio band.
SetAvoidedSectors |
Set new sectors to avoid.
SetNavPoint |
Set a user NavPoint.
SetTextMode |
Set the current text mode.
ShowDeployedFighters |
Show deployed fighters.
ShowDeployedMines |
Show deployed mines.
ShowPersonalPlanets |
Show personal planets.
ShowWhoIsPlaying |
Show who is currently playing.
ShutOffTractorBeam |
Shut off the tractor beam.
Steal |
Steal products from the port in the current sector.
TakeLeaveColonists |
Take or leave colonists on the current planet.
TakeLeaveCredits |
Take or leave credits from/to the citadel treasury.
TakeLeaveFighters |
Take or leave fighters on the current planet.
TakeLeaveProducts |
Take and/or leave products on the current planet.
TakeLeaveShields |
Take or leave shields from/to the planetary shield generator.
TowShip |
Tow a ship in the current sector.
Trade |
Trade at the port in the current sector.
Transport |
Transport to another ship.
TransWarp |
TransWarp your ship to another sector.
UpgradePlanet |
Upgrades the current planet to the next level if possible.
UpgradePort |
Upgrades the port in the current sector.
UserAlert |
Display a user alert window to the user and
print the text in the SWATH console window.
UserChoice |
Ask the user to choose between some options in a dialog box.
UserChoiceList |
Ask the user to choose an item from a list in a dialog box.
UserInput |
Ask the user to input a text string using a dialog box.
VisualMap |
Control the Visual Map.
WaitForEvent |
Wait for specific event(s).
WaitForPrompt |
Wait for specific TW prompt(s).
WithdrawCredits |
Withdraw credits from your bank account.